Support us
Support us
There are many ways to support us
Construction Youth Trust supports thousands of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and under-represented groups to build their confidence, develop skills and access meaningful career pathways in the construction and built environment sector. We help overcome barriers, stimulate aspirations, and build awareness of opportunities. We are entirely reliant on in-kind support and fundraising to deliver this valuable work.
There are a number of ways you can help us:
Fund a programme
We work in four key areas, represented by our four programmes. If you would like to focus your support in one of these we can help find the most relevant programme and funding package for you. All our work is outcomes-driven and we are invested in proactive impact management to ensure everything we do achieves the best possible result for the young people involved. Our excellent evaluation and reporting systems mean we can keep you and your stakeholders regularly updated with the effects of your generous funding.
If funding a programme is of interest to you, we’d be delighted to discuss the options with you.
Whether you already provide in-kind support as one of our partners or volunteers, or you are new to the Trust, please consider making a direct donation to our work to help us support more young people to make positive transitions for their futures. Every donation makes a difference.
Legacies and individual/family giving
If you have been inspired by our work, you might consider supporting us through a gift in your Will or you may like to make a donation in the memory of someone close to you. By supporting our work, you are supporting young people facing disadvantage to secure meaningful and sustainable career opportunities.
Please read about the Simon Frawley Legacy Award here. Donations to this award may be made via the award’s JustGiving page.
We would be delighted to discuss legacies and individual giving with you.
Fundraise in aid of our work
We welcome industry partners, individuals and other supporters fundraising in aid of our work – and there are some great ideas out there, from golf days to sponsored runs.
Before you start any planning, please read our Terms & Conditions. These are designed to ensure any fundraising is aligned to our charitable status, so proceeding with any fundraising activity in aid of CYT is deemed acceptance of these. We have developed a set of FAQs to help explain how these terms work in practice.
We would be delighted to discuss your ideas and support you with your fundraising event, so please do get in touch with our fundraising team at:
Thank you for your support.

In-kind support
Our network of employer partners is integral to our work, offering us a range of in-kind support connecting young people to careers and enabling social mobility. We have over 200 employer partners spanning large multinationals to regional SMEs. Our experienced delivery and employer engagement teams have significant experience in supporting employers through the process when organising meaningful and worthwhile engagement. This engagement includes everything from taking part in programme sessions to offering workplace experience and recruiting apprentices. So if you think you may be able to offer any of the following, it would be great to hear from you, and you’ll have our full support.
– Employment
– Work experience
– Volunteering
– Site or workplace visits
It would be great to hear from you about any of these opportunities.